Building bridges for a healthier future

The importance of environmental and functional medicine

The Swiss Institute for Environmental and Functional Medicine (IEFM) views the growing importance of Functional Medicine and Environmental Medicine as forward-looking, interdisciplinary approaches in modern healthcare. These innovative disciplines offer a holistic and personalised perspective on human health that addresses the complex challenges of the 21st century. Through their focus on prevention, individual factors, and environmental influences, they contribute significantly to a more comprehensive understanding of health and disease. The integration of these approaches holds great potential for more effective, sustainable, and cost-efficient healthcare for the benefit of the entire population.

Holistic Approach

Functional and environmental medicine take into account the interactions between body, mind and environment, which leads to a more comprehensive understanding of health and illness.

Focus on Prevention

These approaches emphasise prevention, which can lead to a healthier population and reduced healthcare costs in the long term.

Personalised Treatment

By taking individual factors into account, these disciplines enable customised therapies that can be more effective than standardised treatments.

Environmental Awareness

Environmental medicine helps to understand the increasing health effects of environmental factors and to take preventive action accordingly.

The importance of dialogue and building bridges

Through diverse activities, IEFM creates a dynamic environment for the exchange of ideas, the development of new concepts and the promotion of co-operation.

Upcoming Events

2025 Webinar – Microclots

21 January 2025 · 16.00 – 17.00 · Online

Past Events

2024 Inuspheresis® Network Event

4th and 5th October 2024 · Basel, Switzerland